What happened to your dreams? It’s time to reconnect!

With the overwhelming success of the #AFLW competition, each week I get to see the joy and excitement of the junior girls, loving playing football and dreaming of growing up to be an #AFLW player. Just last weekend I was chatting with two amazing junior girls, that play mixed U9s and girls U12s, who are dreaming of one day playing for Carlton and Collingwood. They have talent, passion and boundless energy to achieve their goal, they also have extremely supportive parents and a community that is equally committed to helping them.

So what happens to our dreams as we grow up? Somewhere along the line a lot us have given up on our dreams. Instead of having a goal that gets us out of bed in the morning, we have an alarm clock that wakes us to yet another day, that all seem to blend into each other.

what-do-you-want-to-be-when-you-give-upDays, months and years go by, with our lives full of busyness and various shades of grey.

What did you dream of as a child? What gives you that excitement? What is your passion? What is your reason for being?

Have you traded your dreams for a weekly wage?


If this sounds familiar, it is time to reflect on what you truly want to be doing and how to make it happen!

If you need any further inspiration, go down to your local community footy club (but hurry, the season finals are on) and watch the girls play, you can literally see and feel their joy! Start to reconnect with who you dreamed to be when you grew up or start an even greater dream!

If you are struggling, go out and find your tribe, one that supports and inspires you, or find a coach or mentor that helps you believe in yourself. Believe in your dream, believe that you can make what now seems impossible, actually possible. Life is too short for settling!

Cartoon by Joe Dator, providing inspiration for Alex Dezen “When You Give Up”




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